Find out what Taxe Cible Services can do for you

Taxe Cible Service offers specialized tax, tax compliance, tax representation, tax assistance and tax update services in Greater Montreal. Our services are fully customized and our experience allows us to save you time and money. Taxe Cible Service provides the answers to your questions and simplifies your questions in tax matters.

Contact us today !

Comprehensive tax services

Taxe Cible Service offers comprehensive tax services. To trust us is to ensure a reliable and professional service so that you can have peace of mind. Our services include:

Specialized tax
Tax compliance
Tax representation
Tax assistance
Tax update services

Taxe Cible Services

Taxation is a special field in itself and therefore it is not known subject from all. Tax experts at Taxe Cible Service Inc, will endeavor to give you advice so you can make the best decisions on taxation, management and your finances.

The tax law has always followed the old principle that it was well established that, unless otherwise provided by law, the taxpayer is entitled to arrange their affairs for the sole purpose of being in a favorable situation for tax . [Comment repeated in Ludco v. The Queen 2001 SCC 62]

Tax specialist at Taxe Cible Services Inc have good tax experience and the resources that can help you organize your affairs so as to create economies and thus promote your development. Tax professionals working for the firm help taxpayers pay their fair share of taxes and duties in society and only if they are required. Our tax pledge through their research in the tax laws to find the best ways to improve business performance.

Whether you are an individual, a corporation or trust, Tax Cible Services will be able to help you complete your tax obligations according to the rules under the tax laws such as the Income Tax Act Taxes of Canada, Income Tax act of Quebec and all other Canadian tax laws and, optimally to minimize your tax costs.

Entrust your tax to Taxe Cible Services

You want to entrust your tax services to a respected professional in the area with confidence? Do not hesitate and choose Taxe Cible Services. Call us now at (514) 523-3179.

4855 rue Boyer, Bureau 105 Montréal, Québec, H2J 3E6